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Sexual Assault

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Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is any nonconsensual sexual act; if “no” is not an option, it is sexual assault.  Sexual assault can happen to anyone, regardless of age, race, social status, education level, gender or sexual identity, and can take the form of unwanted verbal, visual, or physical contact.  Unsolicited sexual comments, being forced to touch another person in a sexual manner, being forced to watch or perform sexual acts, and rape are all examples of sexual assault.  Sexual assault is never the survivor’s fault.

The Difference Between Consent & Coercion:

Consent is:

Coercion is:

The use of force or intimidation to gain compliance.  In every case of sexual assault, some form of coercion or force is used.  This force ranges from emotional coercion to threats or physical force. 

If You Are a Survivor of Sexual Assault

It was NOT your fault

The perpetrator is solely responsible for their actions.

Place the blame where it belongs

Guilt or self-blame is a common response to sexual assault. You may worry that you could have done something to have prevented the assault. But choosing to make-out, stay out late, or wear certain clothes does not cause someone to sexually assault another person. Know that the assault was not within your control.

It’s OK to be angry

You may feel a wide range of emotions, including anger, shame, dirtiness, shock, fear, guilt, helplessness, disbelief, exhaustion, and depression. These feelings are normal; give yourself time to process them.

Know the facts vs. the myths

There are many myths spread by our culture about sexual assault. The facts are: Most survivors know the perpetrator in some way. Most sexual assaults are not reported to law enforcement. Most importantly, nothing about the survivor’s choices or actions caused the assault.

Seek Support

You do not have to deal with this on your own. When you’re ready to talk, contact an advocate, counselor, supportive family member or trusted friend. The CARDV crisis and support line is available 24 hours a day. CARDV also offers a support group, which many survivors find to be a beneficial part of their healing process.

It is possible to heal from sexual assault

It will take time and work, but healing is possible, and it’s worth it.  You have already survived the hardest part on your own; you don’t have to do the rest alone.

Contact CARDV

The Impact of Trama

Sexual Violence can have psychological, emotional, and physical effects on a survivor. These effects aren’t always easy to deal with, but with the right help and support they can be managed. Learning more can help you find the best way to begin the healing process.

Every Survivor has their own experience and is impacted by trauma in different ways. Some of these may include:

You never have to be alone

There are many different resources available for survivors, including speaking with an advocate. We are available to talk by phone, meet in person, safety plan, answer questions, discuss coping, connect to resources, and work with you on your journey to healing.

CARDV participates on multidisciplinary teams within our community to strengthen community partnerships and better serve survivors. The Benton County Sexual Assault Team has created a list of FAQs for information specific to sexual assault survivors in Benton County (see link for list).