WARNING! Your internet activity can be tracked. If the person who is harming you has access to your computer and/or router, use a trusted friend’s computer or phone or a computer at the library. Use the “Safety Exit” link at the top of this page to get out of this site.
With the community’s help, CARDV provides basic necessities such as shampoo and conditioner, diapers, laundry baskets, toilet paper, and other similar items to our clients and their children. If you are interested in giving, please see the updated list of our needed items. You can also shop our Amazon Wish List.
CARDV Advocacy Center
2208 SW 3rd Street
Corvallis, Oregon
Tuesday through Friday
10am – 1pm
Parking is available in the Lincoln Health Center parking lot across the street. Please help us be good neighbors and do not park in the Les Schwab or Alexander Court Apartment parking areas.
Looking for another way to support CARDV?
You can easily support us using BottleDrop Give! Simply pick up some blue CARDV BottleDrop bags from our Advocacy Center (2208 SW 3rd St, Corvallis; open M-F 10am-1pm), fill them up with recyclable bottles and cans, and return them to any BottleDrop location. Donations can also be made directly in the BottleDrop app. Please follow this link for more information about BottleDrop give and how to participate. All proceeds raised will benefit survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, sex trafficking, and stalking.
For more information, or to request a blue bag pickup, please email info@cardv.org.
Through a partnership with Volunteers of America Oregon, we can accept donations of running or non-running vehicles. Proceeds from the sales of these vehicles will be given to CARDV.
Please visit Volunteers of America Website by clicking the button below, and select Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence from the dropdown menu towards the bottom of the page. Complete the “About You” and “About Your Vehicle” sections to begin your vehicle donation. A representative from Volunteers of America Oregon will follow up with you. For questions about donation criteria, please contact Volunteers of America, Oregon at (503) 239-7944 or vehiclesgroup@voaor.org
All CARDV services are free and confidential. CARDV protects the identity and confidentiality of all clients. Photos in CARDV materials are reenactments. If you have questions about any of our services, you can call our crisis & support line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: (541) 754-0110.