CARDV’s 5K Run/Walk
Saturday, May 10

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Teen Dating Violence

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Teen Dating Violence

Relationship violence is about one partner using power to control the other partner. It is important to remember that the abuser chooses to control, hurt, and/or abuse their partner. It is NEVER the fault of the survivor’s words or actions. Abuse can be physical, emotional, sexual, and/or financial.

                                                                                                           All CARDV services are free and confidential.

How Can I Be Sure It's Teen Dating Violence?

If you are wondering whether your situation is teen dating violence, consider the following questions.

Does someone you care about:

Do you:

If you answered “yes” to even one of these questions and you want to talk to an advocate, please call CARDV at (541) 754-0110 or online chat with an advocate. All calls are confidential and will not be shared with anyone.

CARDV Advocates are NOT mandatory reporters. This means that they will not share anything you tell them with anyone else, including parents, teachers, police, or doctors.

In a digital age, abusers often find ways to use technology to harm and/or control their partners. One way abusive people attempt to control others is through sextortion. Sextortion is the act of using sensitive information or images against someone. This is done to take advantage of the other person or force them to do things they don’t want to do. If you or someone you know is experiencing sextortion, CARDV can help. CARDV Advocates have helped young people in high schools and middle schools across Linn and Benton counties, and we are here to support you too! 

You are not alone.

CARDV’s 24-Hr Crisis and Support Line is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to offer support and resources. All calls are free and confidential. Please call (541) 754-0110 or online chat with an advocate here.